Thursday, November 26, 2009

Penises Are Totally Cool

Dear Snarky Mom: Why is my 5 year old son urinating so frequently?
When he uses the bathroom he goes back 2-3 minutes later sometimes. He doesn't have a infection because it's not red and it doesn't hurt. What can be the problem? ~ Melissa

Dear Melissa:
About the diagnosis of "he doesn't have an infection," um, did a doctor make that? If not, you need to take him to the pediatrician. Infections don't necessarily have outward systems or pain. Also, is your child thristy all the time? There are disease such as diabetes, kidney disease, etc. that can cause both increased thirst and issues with urination. Make an appointment right away.

If a doctor has reassured you that there is nothing physically wrong with him, then he's totally doing it because he loves his penis. My son loves his ALOT. He even goes around asking other people if they love their penises. This
, of course, is embarrassing and why we have to talk so much about safety and privacy in this house. You need to let him know that there is nothing wrong with his body, and that if he feels the need to touch it (which he totally will want to do all the time and apparently it gets worse or so my husband tells me), then he needs to go to a private place by himself. Every mom needs to have this conversation with their children. No one touches your private parts. No one shows you or asks you to touch their private parts. Private parts only get out of your pants in private places. Its called safety planning. Do it.
